Because no one is perfect.
End of blog.
Okay, so not really the end of the blog, but I have gotten that question a few times in my life: "Charles, why did you get into editing?" It's really very simple: I like to help people tell their stories.
And, really, a story can be anything you want to put into writing.
Maybe it's a children's book about astronaut kittens. Maybe it's a romance novel. Maybe it's your resume, which is nothing more than the story of your career. Maybe it's a dissertation on SQL security - the story of something you found interesting enough to research.
Whatever it is you are writing, at its core, you're trying to tell a story. So I edit to help people find their voices. I edit to help people connect with their audiences.
I edit to help people tell their stories.
If you have a story to tell, but need help telling it, reach out to me at
I'd be happy to help you tell your story.